aprilie 19, 2010

Animals in love 2

I love you with all my heart …

In a wild wild forest, when people are not able to see them, animals do things which we thought is privilege of human only…but…

Lynx in love

Instead of wedding ring they bring a neck bell with cordial kiss…a very tender animal kiss

When he is crying she will let him understsand that he is more important for her then that delicious mouse…

Let me hug you
If needed they always save a life of baby regardless of its speices

Someone loves just a definite parts yet who knows what is a most beautiful…someone loves definite parts

They never dispute who is to bring coffee in a bed…addition to each other

They teach kids to be polite with people…it’s a pity human’s kids don’t know about that…Mother and a kitty

It happens that somebody loves to drive much and even dreaming about it

But anyway they always stay a best friends with a neighbours…Great friends

And are always ready to give us own heart just to say that meaning of life is only in love...my heart for you
